DAVID REDMOND grew up in Clarksville, Tennessee. Upon entering High School, he as influenced and inspired by a young art teacher who introduced him to watercolor. The teacher was Clarksville artist, Dan Hanley. "I was hooked instantly,"says Redmond.
After graduating form Austin Peay, Redmond attended Dental School at the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry. Although practicing dentistry would be a full time career, he never lost his interest in painting. In 2007, after 27 years of dental practice, Redmond joined the faculty at the U.T. College of Dentistry as a full time Clinical Instructor.
"I have been painting quite a bit the last few years and this will be my first major exhibit. I am interested in the effect light has on an object. I've developed a glazing technique with watercolor which results in much deeper and richer colors similar to egg tempera," says Redmond.